
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 02:42:47

Odyssey of a lonesome heart

Beautiful night sky without stars even muted light 夜空很美,但没有星辰。
Long roaming far and wide 走了这么久,
So many imperfectness in hindsight 回首看来,有太多太多的不完美。
Too much ignored and passed by 我错过了太多
The ever chance I didn't hold up high 曾有的机会,我没有抓住。
If life is not too short or tough, not too fragile or rough
A journey is my desire 我想去旅行
Under the spring water, listen to a sound in quiet 静静在泉水下聆听
Beside the rainbow, sing loud a song of delight 大声在彩虹边放歌......
But time is too short to make any sense of wise 可是,时间是那么短暂,又那么无奈
Where's the destination of mine 我的目的地在哪里?
Is it a grave in my life 是坟墓?
Night walk alone by myself, I was traveling through time 夜里,我独自一人出走,我在旅行
A mistake of the past caught my eyes 我看到了曾经的错过
That was the girl I ever loved in my mind 那个我心爱的女孩
The fate I've gone through i