
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 20:47:49
The back-office foundation will eventually link to direct services, as some do now. In the interim, however the development paths will be partially independent. Thus the full value of Merkava as an external service delivery platform has yet to be realized.

这个基本的后端系统最终会与各种终端服务连接,就像其中有一些部分现在已经连接起来了(as some do now)。但是,在过渡期间内,各个开发进程(development paths)会先部分独立运作(指每个组件会先独立的开发出来,等所有的组件都已经开发完毕之后再最终全部连接起来。)。因此,梅卡瓦作为一个对外提供服务(external service)的平台的最大价值,目前还无法见到(realized,明白的)。