eiephant are in danger英语小报

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 00:22:18

In 1989, the UN created a plan to help save elephants from becoming extinct. The plan made it illegal to trade ivory from elephant tusks. At the peak of trading, more than 70,000 elephants were being killed every year for their tusks. But after the plan was created, no one could kill elephants or sell their tusks.

But now, elephants might be in danger once again. Starting in May 2004, it will be legal to sell ivory. There will be strict controls to monitor where the ivory comes from, but environmental groups worry that increased demand for ivory could mean more elephants will be killed. The current African elephant population is thought to be about 450,000.

The governments of several African countries want to begin the legal ivory trade again to help their countries' economies. Ivory is very valuable in trade. But the new ivory trade could be very dangerous for elephants. Their tusks are made of ivory. Hunters sometimes kill elephants just to take their t