
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 01:08:16
上个星期六我们去饶平绿岛山庄(the Green Island Village)旅游,请根据下面的提示写一篇80词左右的日记。
2导游告诉我们那里人们的家庭生活和我们相似,他们尤其喜欢喝功夫茶(GongFu Tea)
3到达后,我们发现这里气候宜人,环境优美,空气清新,青山绿水,我们做各种不同的类似爬山,划船,钓鱼的活动。我们玩了我们喜欢的游戏,如摩天轮(Motian Wheel),和海盗船(Pirate Boat),还观看了一些古代的农具(agriculturai tool),尤其是一个非常大的算盘(calculator)。中午我们在草地上吃从自己家里带来的午餐。饭后,我们照相和打牌。
要求按时间顺序如:last Saterday morning,at noon,after lunch,later this afternoon 描述旅行过程,适当运用定语从句,用一般过去时写

Last week we went to the Green Island Villiage.It took us about an hour from Shantou to Raoping by bus.The guide told us that the families there was similar with ours and they liked to have GongFu Tea very much.After arrived there, we found that the air was very fresh, the environment was fine and there were beautiful landscapes.We did different kinds of sports,such as climbing hills, boating and fishing.We played our favorite games——Motian Wheel and Priate Boat.Also we had seen the acient agricultural tools,especially a very large calculator.At noon, we had lunch which we took from home on the grass.After lunch, we took photos and played poker.
Later in the afternoon, we returned back to our school.On the bus, we talked and laughed.It was really really a pleasant trip.

1 Shantou from more than 1 hour by car to reach the Raoping (RaoPing)
2 where the tour guide told us that people's family life and we have similar skills and they loved to drink tea (GongFu Tea)