
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 00:27:41

At present, economic globalization is dominated by Western developed countries, the pursuit of self-interest is to maximize their basic principles. On the other hand there are the interests of interactivity, as the largest developing countries of China, we must do something, we need to Dances with Wolves, but also with developing countries to seek better cooperation, to form a concerted effort to take common action to To improve the world's ability to control the global economy, speed up the unfair distribution of wealth in the international situation changes, as well as the domestic economic development to create a favorable external environment for China's all-round well-off society at an early date to provide opportunities

At present economic globalization; economic integration is dominant process of developed Western countries , running after self-interest maximization is their base. Another aspect benefit all has but interactive sex , our country who is the maxima