
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/20 01:32:24

当时在阿姆斯特丹机场被敲了个入境章,到了挪威后没再敲过章 - 当然, 因为荷兰和挪威大家都是申根公约国.申根去申根国没有护照检查的. 直到你离开申根公约的那天, 那就是说从荷兰出发回国的时候, 荷兰会在你护照上盖出境的印.

如果这样的话我会不会在阿姆斯特丹机场被罚款?回国会有问题吗?如果身上没有现金的话,交不出罚款是否会被扣留? - 如果是被证实是逾期居留的话, 会被罚款600欧元(预期1天或四个月都是这样,你看看下面段英文就知道了).

如果身上没有现金的话,交不出罚款是否会被扣留? - 即使你不交罚款,照样可以离开欧洲, 只不过是五年内不可以来欧洲还有你会进黑名单, 不会扣留你的.

你说11号到达欧洲, 然后26号回去, 刚刚好15天啊, 哪有逾期居留????

How is an overstay fine or penalty calculated?

Whether or not you’re even looked at or how much you’re fined is purely the discretion of the person passing judgment; it doesn’t matter how long ago you passed the deadline. The American Embassy in Athens wrongly states that the penalty assessed is determined by the length of overstay. How do I know they are wrong? I know people who overstayed one day and were fined 600 euros, and people who overstayed 4 months and were fined exactly the same thing.

The immigration official can decide to do something…or not. If you’re le