
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 11:05:23

A change in accommodation
At the end of Mao's reign in 1979 there were just three tourist hotels in Beijing. Now there are over 325, and all of a good standard, so don't worry about the quality. The big hotels even offer 'in room' traditional Chinese massage, from about £25 an hour.

Beijing is the ideal base from which to visit the Great Wall of China at Mutianyu, an hour and a half away. The original sections were built some 2000 years ago to keep out marauding armies. Its size is staggering. The wall is almost 3000 miles long, and many people think it's the only man-made structure that can be seen from space - but this has been dispelled as a myth. And it can be peaceful too, especially if you visit in October as Craig did. One word of warning, the hawkers on the way up and down the wall are very persistent.

From the cultural capital of Beijing, Craig took a two hour flight to Shanghai, the commercial centre.
