请帮我翻译一下下面一段话 谢谢 很感谢!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 13:11:26
1.贸易和投资自由化。1950年时的世界贸易额为1 200亿美元,而2000年的世界贸易总额已经超过了6.1万亿美元,增长了50多倍。1985年时世界对外投资的总额只有6 500亿美元,而到2000年时的世界直接投资累计达到了6万亿美元。在90年代,全世界一年流动的资金为75万亿美元,一天就有1.3万亿美元在流动。
2.生产和经营跨国化。这主要表现在跨国公司的快速增长。60年代末期世界有跨国公司约7 000多家,子公司为27 300家,而到2002年时跨国公司已经达到6.5万家,其子公司为85万家,共雇用职员5 400万人,其年销售额为世界出口贸易额的1倍多,达19万亿美元,其产值占到世界生产总产值的1/10,出口量占世界出口总量的1/3。2000年时,200家最大的跨国公司的生产总值超过了182个主权国家的GDP。
3.人口的国际流动日益频繁。1950年时全球国际旅游人数仅2 530万人次,1993年时增加到5亿人次,2000年时达到了6.5亿人次。

Following a series of merchandise trade to reach agreement on market access, services to the global trade talks to make progress. Under the auspices of the WTO, has reached "the basis of the global telecommunications agreement", "Information Technology Agreement" and "financial services agreement" will open the market to broaden the scope of services in the field of three. Continue to promote economic integration. World Trade Organization member countries have reached more than 160, a major role in promoting the economic free trade, investment, the flow of information, such as playing an important role. At the same time, the region's economic integration is the trend of development, with the exception of the North American Free Trade Area, the European Union, there are in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization, ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with China, Japan free trade agreement after another, also in the development