
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 09:54:38

我觉得那个Reverend Mother说的超级经典!!

1,The Lord will show you in His own good time.
主会在对的时间告诉你的。 ————这是教我们耐心等待

2,Our abbey is not to be used as an escape.
These walls were not built to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live.
修道院的墙不是用来把问题关在外面的。你必须正视他们,你必须按照你天生注定的生活来生活。 ————这是教我们积极进取,教人以勇敢

3,When the Lord closes one door somewhere else he opens a window.

Our abbey is not to be used as an escape.
These walls were not built to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live.
修道院的墙不是用来把问题关在外面的。你必须正视他们,你必须按照你天生注定的生活来生活。 ————这是教我们积极进取,教人以勇敢.