急 求专业口语翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 21:42:53
1 我叫XX 22岁 汉族 共青团员 毕业于XX大学法律系 即将在X个月后获得法律学学士学位

2 我可以熟练运用 MS OFFICE SOFTWARE中涵盖的各类办公软件

3 我接受过全方位的大学基础教育 受到良好的专业训练和能力培养,

4  我拥有两年的证券市场投资经验,对证券投资,和对中国和世界经济的宏观基本面的情况以及其他相关经济知识有一定了解,实践经验和见解

5 另外,其实我的驾驶技术不错

6 2006年起至今,我一直学习并参与证券投资及其相关活动
 2007年至2008年参加奥运志愿者培训及其相关工作
 2008年9月至12月于北京XX律师事务所实习

7 我对涉及经济领域的相关工作有不错的兴趣
 还有就是我很喜欢音乐,经常跟朋友去KTV

要口语 不要机翻 如果是机翻我一定可以看出来 希望有能力的英语翻译达人帮忙 可以尽量简练 但是别缺少内容 会的的好追加100

My name is XX,22 years old,Han,League member,graduated from the school of law in XX University,going to get the bachelor's degree of law. I studied in XX High School from XX XX,19XX to XX XX 19XX.

Skilled to operate the MS OFFICE SOFTWARE

Educated completly in universty and trained professionally with stable base of knowledge of law

2-year experience of security investiment,knowledge of chinese and world situation macroeconomic and other onformation relative to that.

Driver's license permitted

2006-,study and practise security investiment
2007-2008, engage in the training of the volunteers of Beijing Olympic Games
September to December in 2008,field work in Beijing XX Law Office

Interested in the economic field and others relative to that
Good at cyber competition
Have interest in music and karaoke

My name is XX,22 years old,Han,League member,graduated