
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/07 08:57:40

Cross stitch like, embarrassed to ask for, had no choice but to take up their own embroidery. 谁知竟一发不可收拾,狂迷起十字绣来。 But who would have thought was out of control, crazy fans starting to Cross stitch. 只要有空,一绣四、五个小时不带停的。 As long time, a four-embroidered, a five-hour non-stop. 什么看电视,玩电脑,还有我最喜欢的打乒乓球,统统搁一边去。 What is watching TV, playing computer, and my favorite to play table tennis, all put to one side. 如果不是腰酸,脖子疼,眼睛朦胧,不吃饭不睡觉的劲头我都有。 If the acid is not a waist, neck pain, his eyes dim, do not eat, I do not have the strength to sleep. (可别以为我夸张啊,不信你也绣一个试试,保准比我还迷!)细细想来,绣十字绣可是好处多多呢。 (Do not think I could be exaggerating ah, you do not believe in an embroidered try, Baozhun fan than I am!) Want to detail, embroidered Cross stitch, but it benefits a lot.

一、可以打发无聊的时间和填补空虚的心灵,让生活充实有情趣。 I can be bored to pass the time and fill the emptiness of heart, so full of life have fun.

二、可以修身养性,缓解暴戾的情绪,平和你的心态。 Second, can be self-cultivation, to ease the violent emotions and calm your