
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 07:39:04

School of Rock is a hilarious combination of several standard-formula plot elements that wouldn't have added up to much were it not for the uniquely quirky performance of Jack Black, the endearing children in his "rock" class, the direction of Richard Linklater, and the well-written script by Mike White. That such tired plot lines as a teacher inspiring his students through an "experimental" teaching style (learning his own valuable lessons along the way, of course) and a band preparing for an inevitable Battle of the Bands finale actually come across as refreshing and fun is a testament to the quality of the film's execution. The children are genuine and likable and Jack Blackhas a natural rapport with them -- who ever thought that Black would prove such an inspirational and understanding mentor? Yes, the story is preposterous, but the message of bringing out the best in kids through positive reinforcement -- and the "power of rock" -- is real