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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 09:13:21
The Ontario government is pouring another $7.5 million into research for biofuels that can be made from agricultural waste such as corn husks and manure instead of food crops.
With concerns mounting that biofuels are taking food out of people's mouths and pushing prices higher, the government will today announce $5 million for a new biofuels institute at the University of Western Ontario in London, sources told the Toronto Star.Another $2.5 million will go toward a demonstration project on a farm outside of London that is turning manure and waste water into biogas, producing enough to power about 800 homes. "There is a huge demand now for more sustainable biofuels," said a source familiar with the announcement, to be made this morning by Research and Innovation Minister John Wilkinson in London."There are researchers and labs all across the province that are already working on this."
One scientist active in the field said the first generation of biofue



随着越来越多的关注,生物燃料的粮食了人们的口中,推动价格上涨,政府将今天宣布500万美元用于新的生物燃料研究所在西安大略大学在伦敦,消息来源告诉多伦多Star.Another 250万美元将用于一个示范项目的一个农场以外的伦敦是把肥料和废水变成沼气,生产足够的功率约800家。 “有一个巨大的需求现在更可持续的生物燃料, ”知情人士透露的消息,是今天上午所作的研究与创新部长约翰威尔金森在伦敦。 “有研究人员和实验室都在全省各地已工作在此。 “

一个科学家活跃在该领域的说,第一代生物燃料,如乙醇为基础的核食糖玉米,已经比较容易发展,但我们的目标是找到一种更有效的方式发展燃料浪费,如玉米壳和秸秆,这是不被用作食品。 “这是一大堆棘手说, ”圭尔夫大学教授安东尼克拉克,指出这是更加难以孤立能源纤维素-材料的秸秆和秕,使植物的力量-而不是提取的能源的糖的k ernel.He呼吁这一进程的“圣杯”的研究人员在寻求新的燃料,以取代化石燃料。 “我们需要提高效率并使其具有成本效益...一个突破可能明天,也可以采取另一个五年来, “他补充说。

该沼气工程,位于斯坦顿农场附近的村Ilderton ,是一个UWO之间的合作,圭尔夫大学和滑铁卢大学。它使用一个biodigester制度,把肥料和废水变成气体,可作为能量来源。

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