
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 03:25:40

Ballet is a beautiful type of dance. It emphasizes elegance, lightness, and grace. The movements are smooth, effortless, and show great charm. The dance conbines with music, costumes, and mime to tell a story or to convey a feeling.

I love ballet, it is in me. I love nothing as much. Sometimes I wonder why ballet is more than anything to me. I am siezed by the magic of ballet, I am trapped in it and I cannot leave it even if I tried. It is so powerful.

Many little girls like me are attracted by the beauty of ballet. But I love it more than anyone else. I can sacrifice everything for it, and I will.

To stand toe with the ballerina. It appears in the audience, relaxed and happy dance with toe. Actress feet that pink ballet shoes are so graceful elegance, this is reminiscent of a noble art. However, in fact, very difficult to tiptoe dance.

Those who dedicate themselves to ballet arts, to explore the mysteries of its people and does