
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 00:37:04
1成吉思汗 职业:征服者;财富来源:战利品;资产:五百万平方公里的国土;入选原因:如果财富用占领的土地来衡量的话,成吉思汗将被列为从未有过的世界最富有的人,他的职业生涯于联合不和的蒙古部落,然后开始占领了将近五百万平方公里的土地,包括现在的中国、伊朗、伊拉克、缅甸、越南和大部分的朝鲜、俄罗斯。
2忽必烈 职业:征服者;财富来源:继承;资产:黄金和珠宝;入选原因:成吉思汗的孙子,他建立了中国的元朝,而且在国都建造了奢华的镀金宫廷。马可波罗对忽必烈避暑宫殿中散发的珠宝光辉啧啧称奇。
3刘瑾 职业:朝廷宦官;财富来源:贪污;资产:黄金和白银;入选原因:一个在明朝时传说最富有的宫廷宦官,他因为叛逆被处以极刑的时候,被发现有一千二百万盎司的黄金和二亿五千九百万盎司的白银。而当时明朝国库中只有三千万到七千万盎司的白银,然而,刘瑾的财富报告可能被过分渲染,因为吏官想用这个故事来警示:当一个宦官掌权时能发生什么。
4和珅 职业:皇帝身边得力的人;财富来源:贪污、回扣;资产:黄金、白银、裘毛;入选原因:英俊、富于机智,有自信和令人难以置信的腐败。1772年和珅进入了乾隆的宫廷,当上了一个侍卫。但他很快变成了老皇帝的知己。他劝说日益年老的皇帝延长一次血腥的军事行动,当士兵正在挨饿的时候,他却把数量巨大本因分配给军队的军饷装入囊内。


In 1000 to the world's richest 50 people, including 6 Chinese, they are Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, Liu Jin, and Shen, Wu Bing and Mr Song.
I am here to introduce 4
A career of Genghis Khan: Conqueror; source of wealth: The spoils of war; assets: 5,000,000 square km of land; selected: If you use the wealth of the occupied land to measure, Genghis Khan would never have been listed as the world's richest people, His career at United and not the Mongolian tribes, and then the beginning of the occupation of nearly 5,000,000 square kilometers of land, including the present China, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar, Vietnam and most of North Korea, and Russia.
2 Khan Occupation: conqueror; source of wealth: the succession; assets: gold and jewelry; selected: Genghis Khan's grandson, he established China's Yuan Dynasty, but also in countries in the construction of a luxury gold-plated palace. Marco Polo summer palace of Kublai Khan in the distribution of amazement at the