用英文来解释一下: 资本主义近30年来的发展?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 03:38:23

All right, I take it.

Elements of capitalism long predate the actual rise of capitalism itself. Private ownership of some means of production has existed at least in a small degree since the invention of agriculture.--(for the source, delete it if you dont need)

From "Mercantilism" (in 16th to 18th century) to "Industrial capitalism and laissez-faire capitalism" (From mid-18th century) then go to "Finance capitalism and state monopoly capitalism" (in late 19th century), overcome "The Great Depression". And the key word for currently capitalism is Globalization trade.---(history of Capitalism evolution, delete it if you dont need)

Economic growth in the last half-century has been consistently strong. Life expectancy has almost doubled in the developing world since the postwar years and is starting to close the gap on the developed world where the improvement has been smaller. Infant mortality has decreased in