
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 10:46:25
沪指涨逾2%收复2000 沪深两市周一低开高走,在外围市场普遍低迷的情况下,继续演绎独立行情。上证综指一举收复2000点关口,收盘报2030.48点,涨2.22%。深证成指收盘报6783.03点,涨1.84%。两市成交量逾1300亿元,已连续三个交易日超过千亿大关

Prev Close up of more than 2% of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets recovered Monday Dikaigaozou 2000, in the external market downturn, it is to continue to perform an independent market. SSE Composite Index recovered one-point mark in 2000, closed at 2030.48 points, up 2.22 percent. Shenzhengchengzhi closed at 6783.03 points, up 1.84 percent. Volume 130,000,000,000 yuan more than the two cities, three consecutive trading day mark for more than 100,000,000,000