求 阿甘正传,小鸡快跑,沉默的羔羊 3部电影的英文影评

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 18:37:38

Tom Hanks is the heroic dunce living through America's recent history in Robert Zemeckis' multi-Oscar winning comedy-drama. Top-notch performances and some impressive visual trickery contribute to one of the populist triumphs of the 90s
Few mainstream movies of the 90s polarised opinion more effectively than this. Although a winner of six Oscars and nominated for half-a-dozen more, for many it's a schmaltzy tribute to a mythical American dream. For others it's a film dedicated to the triumph of innocence over cynicism. Whichever side you're on, there's no denying director Zemeckis' achievement, and it's a hard heart that resists the child-like charm of Tom Hanks' dopey hero.

Growing up in 50s Alabama, Forrest overcomes an IQ of 75 to achieve success in a unlikely range of fields (Vietnam hero, sports celebrity, shrimp tycoon). Forrest's optimism and virtue stand in stark contrast to a nation torn apart by corruption and war. C