
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 16:09:33

To be or not to be, that is a question.

Life & Death
"If you're not ready to die, then how can you live?"
- Charles de Lint, Svaha

"Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives."
- A. Sachs

"It gets under your skin, life. ... It's a habit that's hard to give up. One puff of breath is never enough. You'll find you want to take another."
- Terry Pratchet, Hogfather

"I don't believe that life is supposed to make you feel good, or make you feel miserable either. Life is just supposed to make you feel."
- Gloria Naylor

"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome."
- Isaac Asimov

"Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you."
- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

"My time is probably short in the larger scheme of things, but the day is long.&q