
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 08:00:44

Biology来自于希腊语(Greek βιολογία - βίος, bios, "life"; -λογία, -logia)。
大英百科全书(Britannica Online Encyclopedia)关于生物学的历史中提到,虽然古巴比伦、古埃及、古中国、印度等积累了众多的生物学信息,但是那时候这些国家都相信不可预知的鬼神的力量、相信精神的作用,在这种文化背景下,人们通常用超自然力来理解生物现象(Although the Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Chinese, and Indians amassed much biological information, they lived in a world believed to be dominated by unpredictable demons and spirits. Hence, learned men in these early cultures directed their studies toward an understanding of the supernatural, rather than the natural, world.)。
一直到古希腊年代,一些古希腊的哲学家提出了“因果关系”的概念,他们认为“自然法则”在控制着世界并且这些规律能够被人们通过观察、推理等研究而理解(Around 600 bc there arose a school of Greek philosophers who believed that every event has a cause and that a particular cause produces a particular effect. This concept, known as causality, had a profound effect on subsequent scientific investigation. Furthermore, these philosophers assumed the existence of a “natural law” that governs the