帮助:英语表达一下意思 悬赏50分,不给不是人,可追加

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 14:23:54





Gao, this is a VIP card of the bakery you always buy breads from. (你的女主人最好用 Mrs XX, 高妞肯定知道这位大妈的姓名啊,千万别用mistress)Mrs XX let me tell you that using this card, you can gain member credit points every time you buy breads in this store. and when the credit points come to 100, you can exchange this 100 points for a bread.

Mrs Gao, this is a bread room card, where you always buy bread. Your mistress make me tell you that from now on the bread buying began to integrate points. Each time 100 points accumulated, a bread can be exchanged.

Miss gao,this is a the card form the bakery which you always buy bread.You landlord let me tell you that each time you buy bread, you can show this card to get some points.When you have 100 points, you can get a bread for free.


Gao, this is a membership card for the bakery at which you often buy bread,your hostess want me to tell you that with this card you can get some points everytime you buy something there, and when yo