
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 13:57:27

WanglinYing's Englishi name is Cindy,she can speak Chiese and Japanese.Her birthday is 9月5日.She isn't tall and she is vary thin.She likes eating fruit vary much.Her favorite actor are 梅尔吉勃逊、西恩潘.And her favorite singer are WangFei and Susan.She likes black,white and green very much.Her favorite book is 《24个比利》.
WanglinYing is beautiful ,I like her very much.

cyndi wong , is a famous singer from Taiwan

Basic document ]

Chinese name: Wang Xinling
Original name: Mr. Wang like
English name: Cyndi
Birthday: On September 5, 1982
Constellation: Constellation virgo
Blood-group: O
Height: 158cm
Body weight: 41kg
Place of birth: Taiwan Hsinchu
School record: Hua Gangyi school play branch
Company: The Chinese mugwort returns to (Taiwan) recordcompany AVEX
Only official website: http://www.a