what do you know about Prime Minster and Cabinet in UK?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 06:00:05
what do you know about Prime Minster and Cabinet in UK? 需要英语回答

In the politics of the United Kingdom, the Cabinet is a formal body composed of the most senior government ministers chosen by the Prime Minister. Most members are heads of government departments with the title "Secretary of State". Formal members of the Cabinet are drawn exclusively from the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

In traditional constitutional theory, in the United Kingdom system of government, the Cabinet is the key formal decision-making body of the executive. This interpretation was originally put across in the work of nineteenth century constitutionalists such as Walter Bagehot (who described the Cabinet as the 'efficient secret' of the British political system in his book The English Constitution). The political and decision-making authority of the cabinet has been gradually reduced over the last several decades,[citation needed] with some claiming its role has been usurped by a "Prime-Ministerial" (i.e. more "presi