
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 02:33:40

I miss you so much , but I am afraid of saying that to you,the only thing I can do is look at you like a fool.

I am missing u so much. But every time I meet u, I am just staring at u from distance with my tongue twisted

I want you, but fear to tell you, so I could only worthlessly watch you.

I miss you much ,I don't dare to tell you but watching you feelingly

The only way I can express my feeling of jearning is just staring at you without words.

I miss you much,but I don't dare to you said ,only I watch you!

我喜欢一个人很久了但又不敢对她说你说我该怎么办 如果我对她说我不敢奢望什么,但我想让你知道有个人一直很欣赏你很关心你,她会怎么想! 我真的好喜欢,但自己不敢去爱,你说我该怎么办? LX我好想对你说: 如果说什么规定一个人一生只能对一个好我情愿那个人就是你我无怨无悔至死不渝但偏偏说什么没规定,那就算 如果他对你说,你是个好女人,但是我不敢爱,那意味着什么呢? 如果喜欢一个人但不敢说你说怎么办 男生对你说只能做朋友 一个男孩说:我爱你但不敢娶你,因为你太善良我不敢保证结婚后不会伤害你。他心里真正想法是什麼? 她说“知道你对我好,但我们不合适,性格不合”,有下文吗?