father carry me,the child i always be,back to the sea

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/08 10:10:51
请问这句歌词出自哪首歌曲? 轻音乐 是我从一个催眠的背景音乐找到的

歌曲: The River Is Flowing

  Chicago Children’s Choir(芝加哥儿童合唱团

  由1989年成立至今的Chicago Children’s Choir(芝加哥儿童合唱团)与印地安女声M.Kia共同演唱,齐心凝聚印地安心灵之歌,国内将此曲收录於合辑听见天籁地球村当中。

  这首歌曲是一首改编曲,原曲是一首古老的传统印地安民谣,也是一首River Chant,原意为呼唤爱惜大自然的歌曲,简单的旋律,轻快的木吉他,干净的嗓音,天籁就是如此这般。

  The River Is Flowing 河水在流

  The river is flowing 河水在流
  flowing and growing 流动并增长
  The river is flowing back to the sea 河水在流 回到海洋
  Mother and father carry me 父母带着我
  your child I will always be 我永远是你们的孩子
  Mother and father carry me 父母带着我
  back to the sea 回到海洋

  The river is flowing 河水在流
  flowing and growing 流动并增长
  The river is flowing back to the sea 河水在流 回到海洋
  Mother and father carry me 父母带着我
  your child I will always be 我永远是你们的孩子
  Mother and father carry me 父母带着我
  back to the sea 回到海洋

  The river is flowing 河水在流
  flowing and growing 流动并增长
  The river is flowing back