布列瑟侬 是哪部电影主题曲

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 12:31:55

就是莱昂那多.迪卡普里奥和克莱尔.丹丝主演的《现代罗密欧与茱丽叶》,也叫 〈罗密欧与茱丽叶后现代激情篇 〉。在两人第一次在鱼缸前见面时就放了这首曲子。

  原唱:马修·连恩(Matthew Lien)


  Here I stand in Bressanone

  with the stars up in the sky

  Are they shining over Brenner

  and upon the other side

  you would be a sweet surrender

  I must go the other way

  And my train will carry me onward

  though my heart would surely stay

  Wo my heart would surely stay

  Now the clouds are flying by me

  and the moon is the rise

  I have left stars behind me

  they were disamonds in your skies

  You would be a sweet surrender

  I must go the other way

  And my train will carry me onward

  though my heart would surely stay

  Wo my heart would surely stay



