
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:16:05
要准备英语介绍~~请帮忙翻译~~ 不要用翻译软件啊~ 谢谢啦~~
我叫XX,出生于1992年5月15日,身高1米66,大专在读,在班担任“航空服务课代表”一职,并从中得到了许多锻炼,我的爱好是户外运动,游泳,打羽毛球,特长是书法,在这几年的学习和锻炼中,我学会了很多,我相信自己在以后的工作道路中会做得更好!!! 谢谢!!

My name is XX, was born in May 15, 1992, the height of 1 meter 66, reading in college, in class as "air services on behalf of class" for the post, and get a lot of training, my love is the outdoor sports, swimming, Playing badminton, calligraphy is strong in the last few years of study and training, I learned a lot, I believe in their future work in the road and try to do better! ! ! Thanks! !
