
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:00:24

Wei Shi, how are you recently? Recently, because of being busy, so i havent been writing messages in your blog for along time. Now I am a first year student, and usually have to stay in school, but not yet accustomed to the living accommodation. Usually when i am tired or unhappy, i will always listen to the songs of the you and your sister, because that improves the mood. I hope you what I can to encourage, support your success is my motivation! Look forward to your message ... ...



Dear Janice:

How are you doing recently? I haven't logged in your blog to express how I feel to you for a long time due to my busy condition these days. I am now a freshman year student and have to accomodate in dorm for daily life, which I haven't get quite accustomed to till now. When I feel tired or triggered by unhappy incidences, I would always listen to both you an