金融里marked to market 是什么意思?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/08 13:35:14
全句是as soon as a futures contract is marked to market, its value is zero.

Futures are margined daily to the daily spot price of a forward with the same agreed-upon delivery price and underlying asset.
Mark to market一词源于会计术语,原意为用现在的市场价值来衡量一项资产的价值。在期货中使用这一规则是为了满足在交易所连续交易的需要,也减少了违约风险。

To record a change in the value of an asset or fund to reflect its current fair market value. Marking to market occurs on a daily basis and is used for a number of purposes. Notably, investors mark to market a portfolio or security to ensure that a margin account is meeting its minimum maintenance.


全句是as soon as a futures contract is marked to market,its value is zero.