
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 04:13:11

前3门可以免 因为你的研究生都是非相关课程 和金融本科在免试上没区别
相关的话 会计学本科和硕士在免试上有区别
至于更多免试 需要提交相关的课程递交评估部门认定
说点题外话 我和你恰恰相反 会计出身 对acca无兴趣 对投资学倒非常感冒 如果碰巧在一个城市的话 借给你f阶段后4本书都没问题 我已经彻底放弃了

I am wondering why you are pursuing ACCA after your postgraudate, my advice is to get employed first then study ACCA at weekend or free time.
For your inquires about exemption, in my opinion, you will obtain 3-5 papers exemptions at least.For more details you could log into ACCA official website and you could find out a database which designed for those potentials to explore the knowledge about exemptions.
You were major in Finance when you were in college, you could select CFA as your best qualilfication rather than ACCA. CFA is focusing on finance and investment.
ACCA is emphasising with Accounting and Auditing. the investment techniques is quite less and is also optional.

你是金融学硕士 我有一同学 她是本科专业是会计的 大学毕业可以免九门直接读p级
所以 只能勉3-5门 还要根据你的个人情况定
