
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 23:36:12

Richard Adams - <Watership Down>: This book is hard to sell to teenagers, especially boys (”It’s about rabbits who take a long journey.” “Umm, I think I’ll pass.”). But if you can get them started on it, they’ll really enjoy it. You can appeal to fantasy readers by showing them the rabbit language glossary in the back.
Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote: One of the funniest books ever written, and two of the most endearing characters in all the world.
Susanna Clarke - <Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell>: Historical Fiction, Horror and Fantasy all rolled into one. Winner of the Mythopoeic Award for fantay novels. A real treat.
James Clavell - <Shogun>: I loved this book when I was a teenager. Medieval Japan was fascinating to me: samurais, ninjas, the whole culture.
Charles Dickens - David Copperfield: Some people might recommend Great Expectations or Oliver Twist, but this is my favorite long Dickens novel.
Jostein Gaarder - <Sophie’s Wo