翻译 息争

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:16:49


夫未尝深究其言之是非,见有稍异于己者,则众起而排之[24],此不足以论人也。人貌之不齐,稍有巨细长短之异,遂斥之以为非人,岂不过战?北宫黝[25]、孟施舍[26],其去圣人之勇盖远甚,而孟子以为似曾子、似子夏[27],然则诸子之迹虽不同, 以为似曾子、似子夏可也。居高以临下,不至于争,为其不足与我角也。至于才力之均敌[28],而惟恐其不能相胜,于是纷坛之辩以生。是故知道者[29],视天下之歧趋异说[30],皆未尝出于吾道之外,故其心恢然有余[31];夫恢然有余,而于物无所不包,此孔子之所以大而无外也。


Xizhe disciples of Confucius, there are moral, political affairs, language, literature [1], the base has Fanchi [2], there have been mad at the [3]. Confucius army, the old Dan [4], son of Tan [5], Philip Chang [6], Shi Xiang [7], and its friends have the original soil [8], and the friend have a sub-sub-Sang Bo [9]. Asked sub-sub-Sang Bo Zhong Gong [10], and Confucius for Jane Xu [11], Zhong Gong and its suspect too Brief, and then made to Yong-ran. Therefore South Guohui Zi Gong asked to say [12]: "The door to love, how are miscellaneous?" Alas! They think this Yu Confucius?

As it is Mencius Yan Yue: "Today, Yang is not of the ink [13], Yang and Mexico unceasing words, the way could not Confucius, speaking from Mexico Yang, the only saints." Because at that time to Mencius Good for the debate. In fact, though, and the good side of the debate, by Kai say. Han Yu Tang, denounced Folao throw into confusion, the scholars called. There are