谁有uncle tom's cabin原著

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能否提供一下此书的出版商 出版地(城市名)出版时间 以及版本数(就是第几版的意思)要求英文




Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (by Lewis Carrol) 艾丽斯漫游记

Child’s History of England (by Charles Dickens) 儿童英国史

Good-bye, Mr. Chips (by James Hilton) 再会,契普斯先生

INTERPOL (by Peter G. Lee) 国际警察组织

Robinson Crusoe (by Daniel Defoe) 鲁滨逊漂流记

The Gadfly (by E. L. Voynich) 牛虻

The Story of the Bible (by Van Loon) 圣经的故事

The Story of Mankind (by H. William Van Loon) 人类的故事

The Great Road (by Agnes Smedley) 伟大的道路


An Inspector Calls (by J. B. Priestley) 罪恶之家

An Invisible Man (by H. G. Wells) 隐身人

A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens) 双城记

David Copperfield (by Charles Dickens) 大卫·考伯菲尔德

Emma (by Jane Austen) 爱玛

Gone with the Wind (by Margaret Mitchell) 飘

Gulliver’s Travels (by Jonathan Swift) 格利佛游记

Hotel (by Arthur Hailey) 旅馆

Oliver Twist (by C