跪求!dark moor乐队 <TAROT>专集所有歌曲的歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 19:12:13
01. The Magician
02. The Chariot
03. The Star
04. Wheel Of Fortune
05. The Emperor
06. Devil In The Tower
07. Death
08. Lovers
09. The Hanged Man
10. The Moon
11. Mozart's March (Bonus)

具领导地位的西班牙交响金属大团Dark Moor回来了!! 成军13年,运用团员高超的技巧以及古典乐的完美手法造就5张经典作品,虽遭受音乐理念不合造成团员出走之伤,但是Dark Moor却没有因此而消声匿迹,编制重整之后的“Dark Moor”以及“Beyond The Sea”让Dark Moor更加无懈可击!! 与Arise Records结束多年合作关系,投身于Scarlet Records旗下,并发行潜沉2年后的新专辑“Tarot”,专辑主要概念建构在暗藏玄机的塔罗牌,深入解析每张塔罗牌代表的奥妙以及其影射人生的反镜,再次交由Luigi Stefanini(Rhapsody, Labirynth, Vision Divine)操刀制作,封面设计的大任则是落在Derek Gores( Edguy, Kamelot)身上。

神秘的"The Magician"展开塔罗序曲,恭迎华丽战车"The Chariot"的驾到,Dark Moor熟捻的古典技巧与气氛的营造让气势更加磅礴!! "The Star"万星点落急速下降,"Wheel Of Fortune"漂亮的古典运行透露着难以逆转的无

第一支The Magician 是没有歌词的,这里只能放下五支,剩下的我传给你
1.The Chariot
In the chariot making fun of death
falling like a star
in the chariot form last time so far

I feel I'm a fall
through the times crying for my soul
I see I'm a fall
into darkness out of all control
bound, forever in despair
confusion in my glare
the crusade for the faith and desire
some blind obsession
scent of eagerness
spirits in mourning
that the souls possess



riding through the earth
in the chariot making fun of death
falling like a star
in the chariot from last time so far

I feel I'm a fall
through the times crying for my soul
I see I'm a fall
into darkness out of all control

riding with no reins
controlling white horses
riding with no reins
commanding without chains

could be the