需要 一些 在外国机场的常用英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 00:29:25

Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付?

Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去(某某)国际机场。

Please take me to the international departure terminal. 请带我到国际航班出港航厦。

I have nothing to declare. 我没有需要报关的东西。

Can you tell me where is departure gate #25? 请问25号登机口在哪里?

What is my flight number? 请问我的航班号是多少?

Where are you arriving from? 请问你从哪里来的?

What is the departure time of my flight? 请问我航班的起飞时间是多少?

XXX Airline Flight Number XXX has been delayed! 某某航空公司的某某航班已经延误了。

XXX Airline Flight Number XXX is now boarding! 某某航空公司的某某航班现在开始登机!

Passengers for XXX Airline Flight Number XXX can check in now! 搭乘某某航空公司某某航班的旅客,现在可以开始办理登机手续!

Please show me your boarding pass。 请给我看你的登机牌。

How many luggages you would like to check in? 请问你有几件行李要托运?

How many luggages am I allowed to checked in? 请问我可以托运几件行李?

I have two luggages to ch