
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 02:31:47

The reason for this financial housing crisis is just simply greed. About every 20 years we go through a housing slump. We had one in the 80's. However this one is so bad because of simple greed. People got loans that should never have, people wanted to build houses just to turn around and sell them for profit and got stuck when the bubble popped. Loan companies wanted to make more money so they gave loans to people that did not have the money to make the payments. This was just greed no politics. Although if they had regulated the market some what the situation would not be as bad as it is. But look at our history just about every 20 to 30 years. Has nothing to do with who is in office or not.

This is very simple.

1) Fed created too much liquidity in the late 90s, fueling the NASDAQ bubble.
2) Fed popped that with rate hikes - but didn't soak up all of the excess liquidity. When the NASDAQ bubble popped, Fed cut rates again, and after 9/11 Fed cut