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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 07:42:44

So you want to be a world class negotiator. You want to both create and claim value with maximum effectiveness. Who wouldn’t?

How do you get there? Where do you start?

The previous article in the Zen Series on Selling as a Trusted Advisor, titled “Business Negotiation – The Pyramid of Power,�? explored the correlation between account positioning and negotiating power. The four levels defined in the Pyramid were vendor, problem solver, business resource and trusted advisor. Vendors had minimal negotiating power and often entered into win/lose business arrangements. Problem solvers moved up the Pyramid and entered into win/win agreements. Business resources entered into expanded win/win agreements. Trusted advisors entered into value creation win/win agreements that maximized the gains for both sides in the business deal.

Of course your ultimate goal is to position yourself as a trusted advisor whose advice and counsel are valued by senior exec