求歌 这歌视频的歌曲叫什么 最好提供下载地址http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDUyNDExNjg=.html

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 14:02:11

这是她自己写的歌曲呀,在百度上能搜到她的视频和她的博客一类的 ,你若想要歌曲,把你上面那个视频转换成mp3的就行了

every word I write
i'm always thinking about you
Every song i sing
is with you're face painted in my mind

I need you to realize
How much I need you in my life
You keep me alive
And i'll always fight for you

Cuz I love you
And I need you
Lawrence you are my guiding light
To whats true
thats me and you
forever my heart is in your hands....

Every smile i make
is so true cuz im truly happy
Every day i awake
I thank god for giving me you

well i know sometimes
Ive made mistakes
Ive gone and choose the wrong way
But I need to to know
that i'll alw