
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 06:57:26
opinion steady job

For Some, Steady Job Isn't the End Of the Road

As a Web-page developer, Jayson Elliot could have his pick of permanent jobs in the San Francisco Bay area. But that's the last thing on his mind.

"I don't want a job," Mr. Elliot said. "I would never take one."

Instead he works as a temp, with no job security, no benefits and little chance for corporate advancement. Instead he has the flexibility to pursue his own interests, which include the underground music scene, and most important to him, a freedom from long-term commitment.

"I don't want to get tied down to anybody's plan," said Mr. Elliot, who is 25.

These days, Mr. Elliot can be found in front of a Macintosh computer at the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the giant utility company in San Francisco. Since November, he has helped manage the company's public Web site, building Web pages and posting documents.