
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 06:15:41

《Sleigh Ride》两个人唱得~~

HOT 好几年前的歌了, 非常棒 ` 歌名就叫 《圣诞歌》 是韩国超人气组合 HOT跟SES唱的 节奏非常棒~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我现在还很喜欢呢~~~

the gift:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTAzNDY2MjQ=.html

《雪人》,范晓萱和王力宏唱的,里面还有一句“merry christmas to you,我深爱的人”……

Kevin Bloody Wilson - Christmas Song
Hey Santa claus you cunt!

Where's me fucking bike?

I've unwrapped all this other junk and there's nothing that I like.

I wrote you a fucking letter and I come to see you twice

Ya worn out geriatric fart, you forgot me fucking bike.

If I wanted a pair of bloody thongs, I'd have bloody asked.

And this cowboy suit and ping pong set you can shove right up your arse!

You've stuffed me bloody order up

It's enough to make you spew

And I'm not the only one who's snakey