谁能提供一篇有创意的故事啊?要长点的,最好自编的,要新颖哦,哈哈 急!!!多谢了!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 07:11:59

Once upon a time, there lives a group of rabits happily in the forest. And one of them, Tigger, is a naughty and clever rabit. He likes to play with his friends all the time.
One day, he and his friends are playing hide-&-seek in the wood. And just when Tigger is searching for somwhere to hide, he notices a small carrot lying there on the ground. He runs to get it excitedly. But at this moment, a wolf comes near and finds the rabit. He becomes excited for that he has been long without any food. He rushes at Tigger. And Tigger is shocked, he runs away and quickly goes down into the hollow. So the wolf failed to get it.
Then the wolf has an idea. The day after he finds a small carrot and puts it on the gound. An hour later, as he wanted, Tigger comes and is surprised to find a carrot again. He wants to get it. He looks around but is more excited to find a bigger one not far away, and she runs to it. The wolf is angry, he failed again.
The third time, the wolf again fi