Do you think that some Chinese companies will be on the Top 20 World Brands list in 5 years? Why?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 06:53:44
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Yes. I think it might happen just because anything is possible. I believe in hard working and right policy. Therefore, if Chinese companies to success, then the time and effort and the global economic enviroment are the major key players in to become a top 20 world brand.

It's very hard to say.Er, but I have full confidence!

Of course, China will, because of their strong potential and the growing Chinese goverment.

Yes,I think it will. Because China and Indian are best two developing countries in the world, cheaper Labour force(cost), new technology, and fashion idea.By Macroeconomic, china GDP growth is better than some developed countries.