句子解释(是用英语来解释) 不要用中文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/06 08:06:28

标签: 英语, 句子, 解释

wha's going on ?
what will the weather be like tomorrow?
My mum often tells me stories?
What dia you call yourself"Nobody"for?

what's going on is like what's happening here.
算了 看到第二句我觉得实在太难 不知道解释是啥意思了 这样的句子还用解释了么?
第四句的意思是 为什么你叫自己无足轻重的人。 或者说不重要的人。
而且你打得英文怎么这么口语化 好像是美国南方的口音或者是黑人的 不是很了解这些口音 平常听这就好了 管他那里的
但是解释实在太难 翻译还行 不然我问我的英语老师看看 看看美国人怎么解释看看美国人怎么解释这些句子 = = 希望他不会觉得郁闷

wha's going This sentence is just asking somebody what they are doing.
what will the weather be like tomorrow? This sentence is asking what the weather will be like.
My mum often tells me stories? This sentence says that the person's mom tells stories to them.
What dia you call yourself"Nobody"for? If you call yourself a "nobody" then you are saying you are nothing.

what is up?/what is the matter? it is to ask what is happening at the moment.
what kind of weather will be tommorrow/how tommorrow's weather is going to be ?
my mother always say some tales fictioned by herself or from books and other ones.
you calle