
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 08:42:43
书店成立至今已有10年的历史, 在05年其经营达到高峰阶段是,曾在国内10余个城市开具连锁店, 但在05年以后受到书业市场整体萎缩影响,各大书店之间的竞争已经趋于白热化,面对竞争者和自己目前的现状, 依靠传统的经营方式进行销售的民营书店势必将面临巨大的挑战,如何改变自己的销售模式,使得民营书店能够在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,成为书店经营战略的一个重大关键所在。本文通过市场定位策略、市场细分、价值链分析、营销定位等问题对大众书局的营销方式进行调研,对于营销中所能提供的差异化服务、新产品开发、新管理思路、新传播,宣传方式、会员的管理等营销策略,进行研究,提出多元化营销策略方案,对书店的经营方式和营销策略提供相关建议。

Since it was established bookstore for 10 years history, its operation in 2005 peak stage in domestic, more than 10 invoice chain, but in the city in 2005 by sector markets shrink after the whole, the competition between the big bookshop has turn to white-hot, facing the competitors and its present situation, rely on the traditional mode of operation for sales of private bookshop will be facing a great challenge, how to change their sales mode, private bookshop in the fierce competition invincible position, become a big bookshop business strategy. Based on the market localization strategy, market segment, value orientation, the marketing analysis on the marketing way (mass for marketing survey, which can provide services of differentiation, new product development, the new management ideas and new members, propaganda way of management, marketing strategy, marketing strategy, the diversification of the bookstore, methods of operation and marketing strategy provides relevant suggestio