
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:18:42
报价策略的影响。报价策略对卖方来说是报出最高价.买方则报出最低价,此所谓“高起点策略”理论,即报价要高.减价要狠,让步要慢 。报价有一定的虚头是正常的。虚头的高低要视具体情况而看.并不是越高越好,要合乎实际,不可漫天要价:报价高要有根有据。使对 方无可挑剧,这样才能使商务谈判
继续下去, 如果报价过高,又讲不出道理来,对方会认为这是缺乏诚意,就会有损谈判过程,甚至会使谈判中断,不但不会为己方带来任何利益,而且有可能把对方吓跑,白费了功夫和时间。在一次秋季广交会上,中方大豆成交价定为800元人民币.高于当时国际市场行情200元人民币.结果大多数客户都惊呆了,弄 不明白中方的意图,连还价的基础都没有了.好远离而去。过低的虚头也会给谈判造成困难,因为对方总认为你手里还有水分.总不敢下最后的决心。

Price strategy. Quote of the strategy is reported to the seller the highest price. The buyer then reported the lowest price, the so-called "high starting point strategy" theory, that is, the higher bid. To cut hard, slow to make concessions. Offer a certain degree of virtual head is normal. The first virtual level as the case may have to look at. The higher the better it is not, it is necessary to meet the actual, not Mantianyaojia: Gaoyao offer well-founded. It can not pick each other so that the drama in order to make business negotiations
Continue, if the offer is too high, Jiang Buchu reason, the other will think this is the lack of good faith, it will undermine the negotiation process, they can lead to interruption of the negotiations, not only for its own benefit, and the possibility to Scare the other side, wasted effort and time. In the first trade fair in the fall, the Chinese soybean prices traded as 800 yuan. At that time, the international market than 200