
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 17:28:15
-Are we arranging the learning materials so that they are directed to the stated learning objectives?
-Have we consciously adapted the processes of design and approval, as applied to programmes of study using other forms of delivery, to take into account the particular needs, opportunities and constraints associated with the distance learning programme of study, and of any constituent modules, without compromising quality control?
-What criteria are we using to assess the suitability of the teaching strategy, the content, structure and production standard of learning materials, the media of communication employed and other learning support to meet module and programme objectives?
-What arrangements do we have to review and approve the quality of learning resources, and against what criteria, eg academic currency, pedagogic effectiveness, relationship to stated learning outcomes, reflection of house style, legibility, production standards, etc?
-What arrangements ar

