
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 01:15:16
1. Several accounts of his appearance and mode of address on these occasions have been published, and if I add one more it must me my excuse that the visit to be described was not undertaken in the customary spirit.

2.If one more accounts Whitman in slight(轻蔑, 怠慢) is to be added to those published, I must excuse myself. I am not going to offer a similar account of my visit to Whitman which is not paid in an usual manner.

3. But better counsels prevailed; curiosity and civility combined to draw me and I wrote to him than I would come.
Prudence(审慎, 慎重; 节俭; 精明, 深谋远虑; 善于经营) and wisdom took the upper hand.

4. Suddenly, by I know not what magnetic charm, all wire-drawn literary reservations faded out of being, and one’s only sensation was of gratified satisfaction at being the “friend” of this very nice old gentleman.
All my meticulously (极注意地, 一丝不苟地, 极细心地) reversed literary refinement died away.

5. And he winked away in silence, wh


1 。有几个帐户,他的外观和模式,解决在这种场合已经出版了,如果我再添加一个它必须给我辩解说,这次访问被称为是不是在习惯的精神。


3 。但是,更好的律师占了上风;好奇心和文明结合起来,以吸引我,我写信给他比我会来的。

4 。突然间,由我不知道什么磁性的魅力,所有的电线拉文学保留消失正在和一个唯一的感觉是满意的满意是“朋友”这非常好老绅士。

5 。他纵容了沉默,而我认为印度诗人Valmiki时,发呆的性感抽象,他坐在榕树下的树,并慢慢地吃蚂蚁。

6 。例如,他告诉我一些来自印度的敬意,并补充说,与闪烁的微笑, “你看,我的声音我的野蛮噪声超过屋顶的世界。 ”
瞬间的微笑,我说出野蛮哭(喊)在喜马拉雅山峰(在山上的世界) 。