
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 16:46:35
关于翻译标准,中外翻译理论家们提出了不同的主张。这些主张是相互影响、互为补充、不断完善的,虽然侧重点有所不同,但中心要结晶都是译文要忠实准确地表达原文的意义,保持原作的风格,忠实反是非曲直原作的面貌。所谓忠实表达原文的意义,应指忠实表达原文的字面意义、形象意义和隐含意义三个方面。但是,并不是原文的每句话、每个习语、词汇都同时具备三种意义,有的可能只有字面意义,没有形象意义;有的可能兼有字面意义和形象意义,但没有隐含意义。尤其是,任何两处语言文化都不可能完相同。各民族有着其独特的文化。东西方人有不同的哲学、文化传统,所以,文化差异就必然存在。此外,差异的原因还在于东西方民族地理、历史、风土人情等的不同。正是这些文化差异的存在使得文化翻译的可译性受到限制。因此要 采用适当的翻译方法,如原译文语言与文化因素与译文基本一致时,可采用对等直译法、形象套用法、借用类似法等;如果原文语言的文化因素与译文不对等时,可采取求同存异法、意义对等法、添加注释法等,当然将一种语言译为不同文化的另一种语言并非容易的事,而将特定文化语境中的语词翻译成同样体现文化特色的语词就更是难上加难,有时难免出现引起读者误解和曲解的翻译。这就要求译者应特别谨慎,仔细分析隐含在语词背后的容易引起语义冲突的文化因素,根据具体语篇,在不违背原文语言的表达基础上再现原文语词的文化意蕴,达到忠实原文的目的,真正实现两种文化的沟通与移植.

With regard to the standard translation, and foreign translation theorists have put forward different ideas. These ideas are mutually influence each other, and constantly improved, although the focus is different, but the center will be asked to be faithful to the crystallization of all to express accurately the meaning of the original text, to maintain the original style, faithful to the original merits of the anti-face. The so-called faithful to the original meaning of the expression should be a faithful expression refers to the original face value, meaning and implied meaning of the image of three. However, not every word of the text of each idiom, vocabulary at the same time all three have meaning, and some may be only at face value, there is no significance of the image; some may be both literal meaning and significance of the image, but no hidden meaning . In particular, any two of language and culture can not be the same end. All ethnic groups has its own unique culture. East