the differences between central government political system and federal government political system

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 09:48:37

Is a kind of centralized state power system for the country in terms of a unified central government, local governments the power to weaken the mark, decentralization is the symmetry. This form originated in China in the Qin Dynasty and peaked in the mid-19th century and the rapid decline. Such a system is usually placed on a par with the absolute monarchy. In addition, the local authority with greater control of several government institutions. The view was expressed that the centralization of power now and has not disappeared, but was hidden under a democratic form of government. In China, this kind of political system is that historians into the present in the feudal society and are part of the Zhuanzhizhengti.
Federalism is a multi-center compound republic, is about self-government, non-centralization of power, the diversity of constitutional arrangements. It has two basic principles of construction of the first to develop a strict procedure to amend the Constitution, the N