
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 08:48:40



One never tires of watching lovelyred-crowned cranes.优雅的丹顶鹤令人百看不厌。
Red-crowned Crane is snow white with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head. It stands almostfive feet talland has long legs. It has a longpointy beakfor spearing its prey.丹顶鹤雪白的身体,有黑色的颈,黑色的翅膀边缘以及红色的头顶。它几乎5英尺高,有长长的腿。丹顶鹤有一个锋利的长喙,能够戳穿食物。
Cranes areregarded asa bird of good luck in China. In Chinese culture, cranes have existed for over 3,000 years. Then there have been a lot of legends and stories about cranes. Red-crowned Crane can live as long as 60 years. So it is the longest-living of all birdspecies. For centuries, cranes have been revered in China assymbols of longevity.在中国人心目中,鹤是一种吉祥的鸟。在中国文化中,鹤已经存在了三千多年了。 有不少关于鹤的传说和典故。丹顶鹤的寿命有六十年,它是鸟类中的寿星。
Theimageof the Red-crowned Crane can be seen in many places in China. People often draw red crowned crane and pine together. Thelifespanof both pines and cranes are very long. So p